Tuesday, April 1, 2008

If You Want To Lose Fat, You Must Watch This

This is the time of year where your mentality towards working out and eating right go one of two ways.

You either:

1. Kick it in gear because you know that summer is coming and you don't want to be that person at the pool or lake who doesn't take their shirt off.


2. As the weather gets nicer you begin to tell yourself that you've got too many things "going on". You don't have time. The kids are out of school and you want to be around them. You golf and do yard work and that's enough. You go for walks around the neighborhood when the weather's nice and that's enough.

Don't fall into category 2. You must workout and stick to your healthy eating habits. Or if you haven't started yet, DO IT RIGHT NOW!

Watch this video if you need a swift kick in the pants. It's an awesome video and makes you think.

So? Are you going to start now? Or do you still think you don't have the time.

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