Monday, March 24, 2008

Was Your Easter Gluttonous?

Have you ever said something to someone that you knew was stupid? You know, the old "foot in mouth" syndrome?

I do that quite regularly. I don't know why, but stupid things seem to flow out of my mouth pretty readily and I get my foot lodged deep down my gullet.

That's actually how I got the idea for this newsletter. I said something stupid.

You know what the best way is to alleviate "foot in mouth syndrome"?

Apologize and move one.

Pretty easy, isn't it?

The same thing can be said about messing up with your exercise program and eating plan, like eating too much Easter candy or too much ham, casseroles, side salads, etc..

We all mess up. I do that quite often, too. Just today I ate some (OK, a lot) of Starburst Jelly Beans. Yes, I know I'm a personal trainer who's supposed to be all about fitness and fat loss, but I love those little sugar-laden, fat storing, demons.

And it's just this one time, right? I just ate them because it was Easter...and they were readily available...and they kept calling my name.

But I just have to move on. I already did it. I can't change the past. The jelly beans are already eaten. I can't do anything about it now other than pick myself up off the ground, dust myself off and move on.

Tomorrow is another day and I won't eat poorly tomorrow. I'll eat my fruits and vegetables and get my protein.

Have you ever done that? Have you ever messed up your eating plan (like yesterday)? Maybe you splurged a little bit over the weekend and now you feel like a bloated sloth. Or maybe you were running late and decided to run through the drive-thru and your cravings got the better of you and instead of getting the chicken sandwich without mayo, you got the double cheeseburger and fries with the giant Coke (and "no", making it a Diet Coke doesn't make it any better).

Or maybe you decided you'd rather head to the bar after work than doing your fast fat loss workout. It's just one workout, right?

But then the guilt hits and that's no fun.

You have two choices at this point. You can either give up and tell yourself you can't do it, or you can pick yourself up and move on.

The only way to alleviate that guilt, and succeed in your fitness or fat loss goals, is to move on. You can't change what you just did. You can't go into the past and do the workout you skipped. You can't join Michael J. Fox in the time machine from Back to the Future and go back and not eat that double cheeseburger (or Starburst Jelly Beans in my case).

You just have to move on...and more importantly not do it again.

That's the real key. Don't do it again. We all make mistakes, and changing your eating and exercise habits are big undertakings and mistakes are bound to be made. But you must remember that if you do mess up, just move on, don't worry about it and keep moving forward...and try not to do it again.

Have a good week!


P.S. Did you know that the unofficial start to summer is only about 10 weeks away? This year is already flying by. Don't get stuck wishing you had worked out and ate better come summer. Do something about it now. Go to today and get started on your fat loss journey immediately.

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