Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't Be A Workout Flip-Flopper

There is a phenomenon amongst entrepreneurs called "entrepreneurial disease". What that basically means is that you come up with an idea for a business, put the plan into action, then before you see it through you think of something else and start working on that plan, etc.

That's all well and good, except for the fact that you didn't finish the project you started before moving on to the next. This process continues, with the entrepreneur coming up with idea after idea, but never seeing them through to their fullest extent. Some ideas may yield results, but most flounder along never living up to their full potential.

This same entrepreneur usually ends up quitting business altogether, telling himself that he just doesn't have what it takes to be successful in business.

This phenomenon also happens with people when they decide they are going to get fit, no matter if they want to lose fat, gain muscle, or improve their overall fitness.

They see something new and exciting and decide they want to try that plan. So they go along with that plan for a couple weeks, only to see another new and exciting plan and jump ship from the one they started and go on to the next best thing.

The good thing is that at least you're doing something. Any sort of physical activity is better than nothing, but you really limit yourself on what can be achieved.

Maybe you saw a workout in a magazine on how to get a better butt in 6 moves and decided you were going to do that, while completely abandoning the program you were on that had given you good results.

You had good wanted a better butt. And really, who doesn't want a better butt?

But what if I told you the program you were on, that you just abandoned for this magazine workout, was easier to stick with and gave you better results than the one in the magazine?

Or maybe you're after a workout that can strip the fat off your stomach and you see some fancy schmancy new abs gizmo on an infomercial and decide that you're going to quit using the program that your very knowledgeable personal trainer gave you (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), and solely rely on the new abs thing-a-majig because the well-paid infomercial people told you all you had to do was use their thingy and get "flat, toned abs".

This turns into a never ending cycle of flip-flopping, and I think John Kerry can tell you, through his experiences in 2004, you don't want to be called a flip-flopper.

You hop from one program to the next, never seeing one to its end and thus never knowing what one program will do for you.

If this sounds like you, maybe you've told yourself the same thing the entrepreneur tells himself, except you say that you just can't lose that fat, gain the flexibility, build the muscle, or whatever your goal may be.

Here's one very important thing you should know about good fitness programs:

Most worthwhile fitness programs, no matter what your goals are, build upon themselves, making them progressively more effective as time goes on and if you were to stop after a couple of weeks and then start a different program just because it sounds better, you are severely limiting the results you can achieve...making you think that you just don't have what it takes to be successful with your fitness goals.

So whether it's a 12 week program that you found in a bookstore, a 6 week advanced fat loss program that was found in a fitness magazine, or better yet an effective fat loss program written by a knowledgeable personal trainer (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, ), just follow it through to the end. The program will work, but you absolutely have to follow through.

Who knows, you may just end up with better results than what you were after.

In case you didn't get that "subtle" self-promotion, I was of course talking about yours truly and my Fat Loss To Go program. A program designed specifically for busy men and women who want to lose fat in as little time possible. Check it out at

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