Time is a huge commodity in this day and age, especially if you have a family.
There are a number of different “things” pulling you in multiple directions all day long.
This makes trying to lose weight, and trying to lose weight fast, a pretty difficult thing to do.
Add to that the confused state you’re put into because of all the different things people tell you to do. Should you focus on this strict diet, or the super-intense workout program?
Should you do an extreme diet for a week or two, or go to the exercise class?
It makes my head spin, so I can’t imagine what it is doing to you!
To help you along the weight loss path, here’s a quick tip to help you lose fat fast…
Focus on Whole Body Fitness
All too often we tend to focus on different body parts, as if we can separate out one portion of your body to work over the other.
There’s a time and place for this, but if you’re focusing on losing weight, you’re going to be much better off focusing on your entire body rather than splitting it into “parts” like your abs, legs, chest or arms.
When you make that switch in your brain to focusing on exercising your entire body, and go even further in working as many muscle groups possible per exercise, while minimizing overall workout time, your results will skyrocket and the fat will fall off your body.
To better explain this, let’s say, as an example, you want to lose weight off your stomach and get a stronger core.
Many magazine articles, infomercials and television shows will tell you to focus on your abs by doing isolation movements because that’s the part of your body you want to see a change in, and your mind may even take you in that direction because it seems silly to do something other than an abs exercise to lose weight off your stomach.
I get that…but it’s not helping you lose fat, and it sure as hell won’t help you lose weight fast.
I encourage my clients who are looking to shed weight from their stomachs, to instead focus on exercises like Burpees, Push-ups, Lunges, Rows and Squats, and the various different types of each of those exercises, if they really want to see results quickly.
Calories are burned in your muscles and if you want to lose weight from your stomach (which is really just stored calories waiting to be burned) you need to move as much of your body at once as possible.
I’m going to take 2 of those exercises listed above and better explain what I’m saying.
We’ll take a push-up and lunge and pair them back to back and do as many supersets possible in 7 minutes.
The push-ups work your chest, upper back, shoulders, back of your arms (triceps), butt, low back AND abs.
The lunges, when done properly, work your thighs, hamstrings, butt, low back AND abs.
Put those 2 exercises together and you have hit virtually every muscle in your body and turned yourself into a calorie-burning machine.
Also notice that both of those exercises worked your abs. Sure they do it differently than something like crunches, but they still work your abs. The push-up is basically a moving Plank, and the lunges work your abs by keeping your upper body upright rather than falling over. (To see a video demonstrating a few different Push-up variations, click here).
See what I’m getting at here?
If you want to lose weight fast, you need to focus on your entire body…not just parts of your body.
Do that and you will lose weight, and you’ll lose if FAST.
Talk soon!
To discover 3 super simple components that all workout programs should have, be sure to check out the video at --> www.FatLossToGo.com!
Monday, July 18, 2011
1 Tip To Lose Weight Fast
how to lose fat,
loose stomach fat,
tip to lose weight,
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