Saturday, July 23, 2011

Arms Workout Video For Dads To Get Strong, Defined Arms

Dads want arms…strong, defined arms that pop in their shirts.

We want arms that wow the ladies (obviously from our wives…no other women enter our radar…do you think that convinced the ladies reading this that us fellas aren’t pigs?).

I get that.  I’m just like you.  I want stronger and more defined arms.  It goes into virtually all the programs I create for myself and it sure as hell goes into the programs I create for dads like you.

The problem with the workouts when most guys go about it on their own is that they tend to only focus on isolation movements like curls, press-downs, extensions, etc. when they should instead focus on working as much of their upper body (and lower body due to the hormonal response) first, and then move on to the isolation moves…if you have time.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for not only doing an arms workout BEFORE the rest of your body, but there’s also a time and place for doing isolation movements on your arms, but until you get the basics of hitting your whole body first, there’s no sense in doing the isolation moves.

Your goal should be to work as much muscle possible by doing bit movements and then move on to a specific arms workout.

Take for instance this arms workout video.  It will help you get the strong and defined arms and can do it fast – if you don’t overload your arms by doing it constantly.

This arms workout video is meant to be done as a circuit for only 7 minutes.  Blast your arms hard and then move on…preferably to another quick workout…look around this site for more examples (or you can buy my stinkin’ program!).

Arms Workout Video For Dads - Quick Arms Workout

This arms workout video is actually a part of a larger program I created where you get to pick and choose different areas of your body to work.

Not all dads just want nicer arms – some want a six-pack or even just to get rid of their gut, while others want to develop a stronger and more confidence boosting chest and shoulders…

…while others want everything!

This program I created lets you do that!

Kinda cool.

I want you to not only watch that arms workout video, but I also want you to try it.  It doesn’t work by osmosis – you have to actually get out and do it…

…and if you do it, I promise you’ll see results.  Your arms will be stronger, and more importantly, you’ll get a huge boost in confidence and the ladies will love it… I mean wives :)

Kinda cool!


Ed Scow, aka "The Fit Dad"

P.S. - To discover 4 gut-busting foods, and 3 simple workout tricks ALL workout programs should use - whether trying to lose stomach fat, or get stronger, more defined arms, you NEED to head to:

Toned Arms Workout Video For Ladies

Do you want nicer, stronger and more toned arms?

I guess that’s kind of a given since you’re here reading this article (and then going to watch – and try – the arms workout video below!).

But what does it take to create a really good arms workout that not only helps you develop toned and more defined arms, but also increases your strength?

That’s what you’re after isn’t it?  It mean, it’s all well and good if you want toned arm muscles (and get rid of the bye-bye arms), but you also want to have strength, right?

One thing I love about my wife is she’s always trying to get stronger.  She relishes the fact that she doesn’t have to ask me to open jars anymore because her upper body is Superhero Strong, and she has sleek and sexy arms (without any bulk).

The type of arms workout I make for her, is exactly the type of toned arms workout I’m going to share with you in this video.

Quick Arms Workout For Ladies

This arms workout video is actually a part of a larger program I created where you get to pick and choose different areas of your body to work.

Not all ladies just want nicer arms – some want a trimmer stomach, while others want a strong and sexy pair or legs and round booty…

…while others want everything!

This program I created lets you do that!

Kinda cool.

I want you to not only watch that arms workout video, but I also want you to try it.  It doesn’t work by osmosis – you have to actually get out and do it…

…and if you do it, I promise you’ll see results.  Your arms will be stronger, and more importantly, you will get rid of the bye-bye arm fat and develop sleek, toned and defined arms and shoulders.

That's it for today!

Talk to ya later,


P.S. - Click here to discover 3 workout tricks ALL weight loss workout programs for ladies should use - whether you're trying to tone up, or get sexier arms.  Not only that, but you'll discover 4 weird weight loss foods.

Quick Abs Workout Video

Want some abs?

I have a sweet little abs workout today.  It’s a quick and simple little ditty that is part of a larger program I created.

The basic rundown of that workout program is that you pick and choose different workouts depending upon what areas of your body you want to work.

Want to work your arms this month?  Well, you can pick and choose different workouts that fit those goals.

I’m assuming that since you’re reading this, you want an abs workout so that’s exactly what you’re getting :)

This flat stomach workout will not only work your abs, but it’ll hit your entire body with a couple of the exercises – making it not only a quick abs workout, but also a fat burning workout that will increase your metabolism and crank up the calorie burn.

Here’s the video!

Quick Abs Workout In 7 Minutes

A couple different ideas you could use for this abs workout is to add it to another workout or 2, as I mentioned earlier, or you can do it on its own and “Book End” your day with it.

By that I mean, you could do this quick abs workout first thing in the morning – before you do anything else – and then do it again later in the day, say right before dinner.

If you were to take that logic, and add another Puzzle Piece to the workout program, like another abs workout, or maybe one for your arms or legs, it will do that much more for your metabolism and help you lose even more weight!

Doing this stomach workout like that will increase your metabolism in the morning, keep it elevated for a while, and then when you do it again, it’ll give another sweet little boost to your metabolism and doing it right before dinner might even keep your appetite in check, or at least help you make better decisions with your food.

Alrighty, there ya have it!

I hope you enjoyed this sweet little abs workout and are able to put it into practice in your overall workout program.

Make sure you peruse around this site for more workout videos and food ideas for.  There are loads of ‘em.

Have an awesome day!

Ed Scow, aka "The Fit Dad"

P.S. - Click here to discover 4 simple weight loss foods as well as 3 weird workout tricks all workout programs should use.

Friday, July 22, 2011

3 Best Toning Exercises For Moms

There are a lot of confusing articles and videos out there for moms wanting to tone up.

Do you go to a class, or maybe stick to an intense home workout program?

If you’re a lady, and want to get more toned, should you do loads and loads of repetitions on isolation exercises or stick to bigger exercises that work a lot of your body at once?

To better answer those questions, I compiled a quick list of what I believe to be the best toning exercises for women.

1) Squat with a Shoulder Press.  Doing 2 exercises in one is a great way to tone your entire body because it works a lot of muscle and burns a lot of calories – both of which will help you get strong and toned.

The great thing about the Squat with Shoulder Press is that it combines 2 areas women want to look better – their legs/butt and shoulders.

To do it, hold two dumbbells at your shoulders, then progress into a normal squat.

As you raise up, press the dumbbells overhead as if you were doing a regular shoulder press.

Make sure you keep your abs braced throughout the entire movement and squeeze your butt muscles as you stand up.

2) Dumbbell Swing.  The Swing is a great toning exercise because it works your abs like hotcakes (without doing any crunches) and burns a ton of calories.  It will also make you very strong, which is key in any toning exercise.

The key with the Swing is that you must make it one fluid movement and don’t turn it into two separate exercises.  It’s an explosive move that you should also be able to use a decent amount of weight with.

As you stand up out of your slight bend, you should explode up as if you were going to jump and let that Dumbbell swing out in front of you (hence the “Swing” part of the name).  If you do that, it’s a great toning exercise…if not, it’ll probably cause an injury.

3) 1 ½ Squat.  This is a deceptive little exercise because it doesn’t sound too bad, and the first few reps are pretty easy, but the more you do, the more the muscles are worked, the more it burns and the more it helps tone your legs and butt.

It’s just like a normal squat, but as you stand up, only come up half way.  Then go back into the lower portion of the squat and stand up all the way – that’s one rep.

So it’s a squat with a little bounce in it.

That little bounce turns a good toning exercise into a great overall strength, fat loss and toning exercise that women MUST do.

Give those 3 exercises a try in your next workout and I guarantee you’ll start seeing results and become a stronger, more toned version of you.

Talk soon!

Ed Scow, aka "The Fit Dad"

P.S. - Click here to discover 4 super simple weight loss and slimming foods, as well as discover what the magic "F-word" is and how it can make or break your weight loss results.  You'll also discover 3 simple tricks ALL weight loss workout programs should have in place.

Monday, July 18, 2011

1 Tip To Lose Weight Fast

Time is a huge commodity in this day and age, especially if you have a family.

There are a number of different “things” pulling you in multiple directions all day long. 

This makes trying to lose weight, and trying to lose weight fast, a pretty difficult thing to do.

Add to that the confused state you’re put into because of all the different things people tell you to do.  Should you focus on this strict diet, or the super-intense workout program?

Should you do an extreme diet for a week or two, or go to the exercise class?

It makes my head spin, so I can’t imagine what it is doing to you!

To help you along the weight loss path, here’s a quick tip to help you lose fat fast…

Focus on Whole Body Fitness

All too often we tend to focus on different body parts, as if we can separate out one portion of your body to work over the other.

There’s a time and place for this, but if you’re focusing on losing weight, you’re going to be much better off focusing on your entire body rather than splitting it into “parts” like your abs, legs, chest or arms.

When you make that switch in your brain to focusing on exercising your entire body, and go even further in working as many muscle groups possible per exercise, while minimizing overall workout time, your results will skyrocket and the fat will fall off your body.

To better explain this, let’s say, as an example, you want to lose weight off your stomach and get a stronger core.

Many magazine articles, infomercials and television shows will tell you to focus on your abs by doing isolation movements because that’s the part of your body you want to see a change in, and your mind may even take you in that direction because it seems silly to do something other than an abs exercise to lose weight off your stomach.

I get that…but it’s not helping you lose fat, and it sure as hell won’t help you lose weight fast.

I encourage my clients who are looking to shed weight from their stomachs, to instead focus on exercises like Burpees, Push-ups, Lunges, Rows and Squats, and the various different types of each of those exercises, if they really want to see results quickly.

Calories are burned in your muscles and if you want to lose weight from your stomach (which is really just stored calories waiting to be burned) you need to move as much of your body at once as possible.

I’m going to take 2 of those exercises listed above and better explain what I’m saying.

We’ll take a push-up and lunge and pair them back to back and do as many supersets possible in 7 minutes.

The push-ups work your chest, upper back, shoulders, back of your arms (triceps), butt, low back AND abs.

The lunges, when done properly, work your thighs, hamstrings, butt, low back AND abs.

Put those 2 exercises together and you have hit virtually every muscle in your body and turned yourself into a calorie-burning machine.

Also notice that both of those exercises worked your abs.  Sure they do it differently than something like crunches, but they still work your abs.  The push-up is basically a moving Plank, and the lunges work your abs by keeping your upper body upright rather than falling over. (To see a video demonstrating a few different Push-up variations, click here).

See what I’m getting at here?

If you want to lose weight fast, you need to focus on your entire body…not just parts of your body.

Do that and you will lose weight, and you’ll lose if FAST.

Talk soon!


To discover 3 super simple components that all workout programs should have, be sure to check out the video at  -->!

3 Easy Weight Loss Foods

One of the biggest questions I receive, both in and out of my studio, is “What do I eat if I want to lose weight?” and it’s a great question.

I used to get a little cranky when asked that question because it’s a no brainer for me, but now I’m glad when people ask because it means they want to learn and are seeking answers and are ready to lose weight and achieve their Superhero Body.

I have a couple guidelines when it comes to choosing good weight loss foods, but the biggest is versatility.

I think a good food choice, whether you’re trying to lose fat or just be healthy, should be able to fit your lifestyle. It should be easy to transport without being overly messy, you should be able to add it to other dishes as a side item or topping and, of course, it should taste awesome.

Here are a few of my favorite foods to help you lose weight.

1) Hummus

I’m a big fan of hummus because of its versatility for dipping.

You can dip veggies in it, which is great if you have kids that you’re trying to convince to eat better (or a spouse!) and if you’re hosting a party, or are responsible for bringing a veggie try to a party, hummus makes a much better choice than ranch dressing as a dip.

It’s loaded with nutrition, most notably healthy fats. Believe it or not, fat is a very important factor when trying to lose weight and you should not avoid it if you’re looking for foods that help you lose fat.

In my family, we dip weight loss food #2 in it (actually my 4-year old daughter loves it!), and more recently we started dipping slices of bell peppers.

Do be careful on how much you eat because it is a calorie-dense food, especially if you’re just enjoying it as a snack.

2) Broccoli

I can’t make a list of top weight loss foods and not include broccoli because it’s just too dang powerful.

It’s loaded with fiber which helps keep you fuller longer and keeps your digestive system moving smoothly.

It’s also loaded with the all-powerful phytonutrients, which makes it a powerhouse of nutrition.

You can eat it by itself, which is usually an acquired taste, add it to salads, dip it in humus, or even throw it in a smoothie.

3) Pears

Pears are a great weight loss food because they’re relatively low in calories, yet high in nutrition and fiber.

The average pear has around 4 grams of fiber, which is close to 20% of your daily need.

You can eat it all by its lonesome, obviously, or slice it up and add it to a healthy salad, or use as a side dish.

The great thing about these 3 foods is that they’re easy enough for the whole family to enjoy.

I’ve always insisted that if you can eat healthy as a family, long-lasting weight loss is easy. Get your significant other and kids to eat like you, and watch the health of your family soar!

Sure your kids may poo-poo on the broccoli, but give them the hummus to dip it in and they’ll learn to enjoy it.

That's it for today!

Talk soon...


To discover 4 more simple and easy weight loss foods, and some quick and easy workout tips, be sure to head to and check out the video.